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June 17, 2024 Minutes

July 02, 2024

A meeting of the Stratton Village Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 pm on Monday June 17, 2024 at the Village Office by Chairman S. Hanes. Notice of the meeting was posted in three public places and availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. A poster of the “Open Meetings Act” was clearly visible on the wall, and Chairman Hanes directed the attention of those present to the poster. All proceedings hereafter shown occurred while the meeting was in session.

Present: Trustee S. Hanes, Trustee P. Bohochik, Trustee M. McDonald, Trustee J. Chivell Griffiths. Also in attendance were: Utilities Superintendent M. Petersen, Clerk T. Hedrick, and members of the public Rick Delin, Sabrinna Morgan, Melissa Dailey, Chet Bridge, Tim Robbins, Eric Huffman, Jessica Kohler and Amy Frederick.

Motion by Griffiths and seconded by Hanes to excuse Stewart from the current meeting. Roll call: Ayes: Hanes, Bohochik, McDonald, Griffiths. Nays: None. Absent Stewart. Motion carried.



Rick Delin spoke about in concern of several unlicensed vehicles being worked on in the street near his property. Chairman Hanes advised they will look into the situation.

Sabrinna Morgan informed the board that there was still items being dumped in the wrong locations at the tree dump. Superintendent Petersen advised they were aware and working on it.

Jessica Kohler and Eric Huffman inquired about what to do about a fence that was put up by another individual in-between their property and another individual’s property. The board advised there had been no fence permit for the fence and no approval given.


Motion by Griffiths and seconded by Bohochik to approve the previous minutes, claims and treasurers report as presented. Roll call: Ayes: Hanes, Bohochik, McDonald, Griffiths. Nays: None. Absent: Stewart. Motion carried.



Vacant property registration Ordinance was reviewed along with reply from Village attorney with his opinion. With no objection first reading completed of Ordinance to adopt vacant property registration provisions as part of Section 70 Chapter 150 of the Village of Stratton, Nebraska Municipal Code; to repeal any conflicting Ordinances; and to provide for an effective date.


With no objection the second reading completed of Ordinance to establish and fix an hourly and salary pay and compensation for the appointed offices and employees of the Village of Stratton, Nebraska; to allow for voluntary surrender of salary; and for the repeal of any ordinance in conflict herewith; to provide for the effective date of this ordinance.


Fence complaint at 410 and 412 Bristol was reviewed. Tim Robbins advised he never gave any consent for the fence at his adjoining property and is unaware of any approved permit. Chet Bridge stated the fence is temporary until the neighbor is able to be respectful to his property. Chairman Hanes reminded Bridge the Village ordinance required a permit to be approved prior to the construction of any fence, regardless of temporary or not. Bridge left the meeting. Chairman Hanes directed Clerk Hedrick to send a letter to Bridge with warning of violation of Ordinance.



Clerk Hedrick advised Hitchcock County News and Benkelman Post will be combining into one paper; Scoop Media News. Motion by Hanes and second by Bohochik to select Scoop Media News as the Village newspaper of publication once Hitchcock County News is no longer in publication. Roll call: Ayes: Hanes, Bohochik, McDonald, Griffiths. Nays: None. Absent Stewart. Motion carried. Amy Frederick discussed some of the reasoning behind the merger of the two papers as well as timeframe for the publication of the new merged paper.


Motion by Hanes and second by Griffiths to renew time deposit certificate 141867. Roll call: Ayes: Hanes, Bohochik, McDonald, Griffiths. Nays: None. Absent Stewart. Motion carried.


Motion by McDonald and second by Hanes to approve fence permit at 406 Bonner. Roll call: Ayes: Hanes, McDonald, Griffiths. Nays: None. Absent Stewart. Abstain: Bohochik. Motion carried.


Dog complaint at 513 Hamilton was reviewed. Complaint will be placed on file.


Bohochik advised he has researched playground equipment for the park and suggested purchasing new. With no objection Clerk Hedrick will apply for available grants to assist with financing the purchase of new playground equipment for the park.


Employee Report: Nothing new to report.


Streets, Ally and Landfill Report: Bohochik inquired if the truck parking ordinance needed redefined as to weight of the truck. Current Ordinance was reviewed. Clerk Hedrick will research other municipal ordinances regarding the subject. Discussion of speed limit in business district was had. Superintendent Petersen advised armor coating would take place the end of the month. Discussion on which streets that would be completed.


Electricity Committee Report: Superintendent Petersen advised there are tree limbs needing trimmed out of power lines.


Water & Sewer Committee Report: Superintendent Petersen advised special water samples have been taken this month. Update was given on install of new water meters. Petersen advised we would need to purchase more one inch meters. Discussion on water leak on Bristol Street. Petersen stated he is waiting on reply from diggers hotline. Discussion on sewer leak on Nebraska Avenue. Petersen advised he is still trying to pin point the problem. Peterson reported a new fuel line would be needed for the sewer jetter.


Finance Committee Report: Discussion on sale of trash truck. Motion by Shawn and second by Griffiths to approve substitution of Trustee on deed of re-conveyance for real estate at 804 Hamilton involved in owner occupied rehabilitation grant. Roll call: Ayes: Hanes, Bohochik, McDonald, Griffiths. Nays: None. Absent: Stewart. Motion carried.


Health & Welfare Committee: Nothing new to report.


Park & Recreation Committee Report: Griffiths inquired if dog waste stations were being used. Petersen reported he’s never had to dump the bag yet. Spraying for weeds at the park and streets were discussed. Petersen advised he is going to spray some of the trees for beetles with an insecticide. Mosquito spraying was discussed and no need was noted at this time.


Motion by Hanes and seconded by Griffiths to adjourn the meeting. Roll call: Ayes: Hanes, Bohochik, McDonald, Griffiths. Nays: None. Absent: Stewart. Motion carried. Motion Carried and meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.


The next regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees will be held on Monday July 15, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Village Office.


June 2024 Claims    
Vendor Description Amount
American Agricultural Laboratory Water testing $27.56
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc Retirement Contribution $518.06
Culligan Water Conditioning Monthly Rental $36.93
D.A. Davidson Water Bond Payments $57,930.50
Dolores Burk Plants Reimbursement $75.88
Eakes Printing services $103.52
Farmers Cooperative Grain & Supply Fuel $877.66
Great Plains Communication Phone Service $452.70
Mike Petersen Postage Reimbursement $34.09
Miller & Associates Professional Services ARPA $350.00
Schroeder & Schroeder Professional Services ordinance $249.38
Southwest Public Power District Power cost $14,140.02
Stratton Auto Parts Supplies $44.39
Tara Hedrick Mileage Reimbursement $351.08
Titan Machinery Mower Blades $516.49
US Bank Payroll Fee, Supplies, Books $1,285.02
USPS Postage $174.00
Verizon Cell Phone Service $160.89
Waste Connections of Nebraska Town Disposal Charge $4,266.66
Mandatory Disbursements:    
Aflac Employee Withholding $161.38
MNB- Stratton ACH Fees $38.21
Nebraska Department of Revenue Sales Tax $2,008.95
Gross Salaries Salaries $14,664.79
Social Security Employer Contribution $904.74
Medicare Employer Contribution $211.58
Total Claims   $81,594.83
Total Mandatory Disbursements   $2,208.54
Total Payroll   $15,781.11
Total Claims Report   $99,584.48




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